Break a leg, good sir! And forgive me for holding out hope (however foolish) that Seiko recently made an offer sufficient to bring your expertise in-house and set you up as the garrulous curator for their official museum and/or company archive.
In any event, I hope that your next (ad)venture will leave you time to finally compile that TGS…
Break a leg, good sir! And forgive me for holding out hope (however foolish) that Seiko recently made an offer sufficient to bring your expertise in-house and set you up as the garrulous curator for their official museum and/or company archive.
In any event, I hope that your next (ad)venture will leave you time to finally compile that TGSG photo book we (or merely me) have all been waiting for lo these many years. 😉
Break a leg, good sir! And forgive me for holding out hope (however foolish) that Seiko recently made an offer sufficient to bring your expertise in-house and set you up as the garrulous curator for their official museum and/or company archive.
In any event, I hope that your next (ad)venture will leave you time to finally compile that TGSG photo book we (or merely me) have all been waiting for lo these many years. 😉