Break a leg, good sir! And forgive me for holding out hope (however foolish) that Seiko recently made an offer sufficient to bring your expertise in-house and set you up as the garrulous curator for their official museum and/or company archive.

In any event, I hope that your next (ad)venture will leave you time to finally compile that TGSG photo book we (or merely me) have all been waiting for lo these many years. 😉

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Don’t imagine I’m the only one here who’ll be tailoring a stock options strategy once we know it’s a listed company

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With expectations of a net positive or negative swing? 😉

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Net long on any enterprise that includes this asset

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Your work and influence have been truly inspiring. Wishing you all the best in your new opportunity!

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Godspeed G.

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Surprised the 61GS cross dial and silver dial sell for so much.

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Still undervalued in my opinion considering the prices of other watches on the market.

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Thanks Gerald for your dedication in documenting all things vintage GS, and all the best for the upcoming adventure!

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Sad to hear the news but excited for your opportunity. Will we eventually learn where you’ll be headed? Also will the 43999 part 1 be followed up before you move on?

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Best wishes in your new “seven year itch”. We will miss your expertise and eloquent explanations of all things Grand Seiko. Cheers.

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Oh wow that is a surprise - we are going to miss your knowledge and your sense of humor! It sounds though like the new opportunity is really worth it. Very curious to hear more about it!

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Going to miss the newsletter and comments. Best wishes on your upcoming journey. Will all content and references stay available?

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All us devoted Seiko-its will sorely miss your humour and your knowledge. I am sure all of us are grateful for your tremendous efforts in bringing Grand Seikos' to the forefront of collecting.

Bono fortuna

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Fantastic educational articles and advises! Sure is going to be missed and back to the difficulty on finding good watches 😔. Good luck on your new adventures!👍

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Was wondering what the “exit purchase” post meant. Best of luck with what’s next Gerald, and I hope you remain in some way an active member of the community so we still have get to see you around.

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Fantastic letter but man we will miss you! Wishing you all the best of success in your new venture (my secret hope is that you’ll come back to Dubai as I arrived there just after you left). Take care !

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Gonna miss all your educating articles and advises. Take care and very thankful for all your sharing.

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